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China Almond Tree "Chinese Almond
Rajasri Nursery ExportsThe "China almond" plant is more commonly known as the "Chinese Almond" or "Chinese Sweet Almond." Its scientific name is Prunus dulcis var. dulcis...
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Rajasri Nursery Exportsबरगद का पेड़ एक लक्ज़री होटल और रिज़ॉर्ट श्रृंखला है जो एशिया, मध्य पूर्व, अफ्रीका और अमेरिका में अद्वितीय और आकर्षक गंतव्य प्रदान करता है। ब्...
पूरा विवरण देखेंCassia Javanica
Rajasri Nursery ExportsCassia javanica, also known as Pink Shower Tree or Apple Blossom Tree, is a medium to large-sized flowering tree belonging to the Fabaceae family. ...
पूरा विवरण देखेंAglaonema
Rajasri Nursery ExportsAglaonema, commonly known as Chinese Evergreen, is a popular and attractive houseplant that belongs to the Araceae family. Native to the tropical r...
पूरा विवरण देखेंPongamia Pinnata
Rajasri Nursery ExportsPongamia pinnata, commonly known as Pongam or Indian Beech, is a medium to large-sized evergreen tree belonging to the Fabaceae family. Native to I...
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