Ashoka Polyalthia Longifolia
The Ashoka tree, scientifically known as Saraca indica, is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It is revered for its ornamental value and cultural significance in various parts of South Asia, particularly in Hindu mythology. Here's a detailed description of the Ashoka tree:
Appearance: The Ashoka tree typically grows to a height of 20 to 40 feet (6 to 12 meters) and has a rounded, spreading crown. The trunk is often short and branches out into a graceful, umbrella-like shape. The bark is smooth and dark gray.
Leaves: The tree bears dark green, pinnate leaves that are arranged alternately along the branches. Each leaf consists of 4 to 8 pairs of lance-shaped leaflets with a prominent midrib.
Flowers: One of the most striking features of the Ashoka tree is its attractive flowers. They appear in large, dense clusters and are bright orange, pink, or red in color, depending on the variety. The flowers have a unique appearance, with four to eight long, slender petals that resemble the wings of butterflies, earning it the nickname "Sita Ashoka" (Butterfly Ashoka).
Blooming season: The Ashoka tree blooms during the spring and early summer months, usually from March to June, depending on the region. The flowering period may vary slightly in different climates.
Fragrance: The flowers of the Ashoka tree are highly fragrant, emitting a sweet and captivating scent that adds to their allure.